Are you looking for free online resources to help commemorate ANZAC Day this year? We have collated relevant and engaging educational content for our ANZAC Day education package.
The episode ‘1918: Bertie’ from My Place depicts one Australian boy’s life in the final days of the First World War. Through watching this episode – or the three clips featured on our free My Place for Teachers website – children can learn about returned soldiers, casualties of war, the Armistice, and issues facing Indigenous soldiers.
My Place for Teachers also features curriculum-aligned lesson plans to develop children’s understanding of the significance of ANZAC Day, and the wider historical context of the First World War.
Those looking for longer content could view ‘Boy Soldiers’ from the Winners and More Winners series. This classic 48-minute telemovie explores the issues of conscription and conscientious objectors during wartime. ‘Boy Soldiers’ is available as a digital download and DVD from the ACTF shop.
The ACTF has produced freely available material to support teaching with Boy Soldiers: Teaching Resource A centres on the filmmaking techniques used to tell 14-year old Will Barnes’ story; and Teaching Resource B details the opposing views of conscription, with reference to the 1916 and 1917 referendums.